How to apply scented water

How to apply scented water
 Application allows you to complete your perfume unique image. In order not to spoil the effect of correctly chosen scent with it is necessary to correctly handle. A few basic techniques applying toilet water will enable it to open completely.
 Applied to the body of the toilet water is necessary as soon as you have taken a bath or shower. This is due to the moisturizing properties of the skin to absorb the intense flavors. Without dressing, lift arm's length above his head a little ahead of myself. Click on the atomizer valve and quickly stand up under the fragrant dust. If you want to use toilet water when not preceded by taking a shower before applying fragrance moisten exposed skin lotion or cream. Well, if these funds will be the same line as the perfume.

Never rub perfume into the skin, believing that because you will extend the life of flavor. Rubbing only destroy its structure. If the hair styling products that you use, nearomatizirovanny, sprinkle scented water brush. Hair will become light fragrance.

Quantity applied toilet water depends on the type of aroma. Has a gentle fruity notes, generally unstable, therefore they must be applied more. Smell, seemingly strong immediately after application, after a few minutes it turns subtle.

Fever - the most favorable conditions for the manifestation of flavor. Those areas where large blood vessels lie, for example, bends the knees or elbows on the inner side, very quickly react to heat. These areas are the most appropriate for the application of perfume.

Apply scented water on top of the chest should be cautious in small quantities. To frame the scent skin behind the ears, toilet water drizzle first fingers and then gently pressing, drive behind the ears and earlobes. To perfume chin enough to touch it with your finger, sprinkle scented water. To create and permanently preserve the fullness of flavor, put it in a small amount to the area between the breasts.

Tags: water, applying