Essential oils: what it is and how to use?

Essential oils: what it is and how to use?
 History of essential oils is as old as the world. Father of history Herodotus in 450 BC wrote wonderfully sweet aroma that they exude, and Pliny mention of the left box with the spices, which went to Alexander the Great, together with the spoils of war after defeating King Darius. They were known and used in ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, South Arabia and India. In ancient Rome, rose oil, whose origin is associated with the blood of the goddess of love Venus, Roman women used in matters of the heart.

More familiar to us the name of the incense - essential oils, but more correct to call them "essential oils" as they are known throughout the world. For the "essence" comes from the Latin «essentia» - «the essence." Essences - is the essence, the core, the soul of plants. This mixture of volatile aromatic substances has the property to influence the emotions and the human psyche.

Essential oils obtained from wood, leaves and flower petals by steam distillation. Production of flower essences - the mystery of the moment and very time-consuming process. For example, to produce one liter of rose oil requires 4 tons of petals. The concentration of essences is so high that 1-2 drops enough that they had their beneficial effects on the body, and half a teaspoon (no more) is applied to the adoption of an aromatic bath.

Select essential oils need to individually and stored in dark bottles in a cool place. They are used, usually externally in the form of lotions, compresses, in a health massage, as well as perfumes, fragrances and even medallions with clay. They can soothe and relax, cheer up, configure a romantic mood, relieve fatigue, increase attention.

For example, the oil of jasmine, mandarin, rose, sandalwood, geranium, orange have a harmonizing effect; dill, chamomile, lemon balm, vanilla - soothing; basil, Helichrysum, chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, mimosa - relaxing; and lavender, lemongrass, muskatnika, rosemary sage, lemon - cleansing.

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