Myrrh oil is great for mature skin. Taking a bath with a few drops of essential oil will help get rid of acne, smooth fine lines and so forth. It produces a strong anti-aging effect and also helps with varicose veins.
A well-chosen essential oils promote weight loss and even get rid of cellulite. They can be used when bathing or during massages. In particular, an excellent anti-cellulite remedies are essential oils of orange, lemon, cypress, mandarin, grapefruit. They contribute to improving the work of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate toxins from the body, get rid of cellulite and excess weight.
Of course, the oils can be used to improve the appearance of not only the skin but also the hair. In particular, they can be used to get rid of problems such as split ends, dandruff, hair loss, itching, and so on. The best option - to add a few drops of oil in the hair mask, or in the water for rinsing the head. To achieve the desired results, use the tools on the basis of essential oils regularly. In addition, it is not necessary to mix several different aromatic means better to choose one.
If you have oily hair, use cedar oil, lemon or lemon balm. Owners of very dry hair, on the contrary, it is recommended to give preference geranium or lavender. If your hair is effective oils of peppermint, ginger and basil, and dandruff - rosemary, eucalyptus and sage.