Do pheromones are odorless. But scientists have found that that they worked, they need to breathe. When this happens, the presence of the vomeronasal pheromone recognizes gland located in the nose. But why in this process one person seems more attractive the other, still not clear. Nevertheless, it is.
Pheromones are produced adrenal glands of man. Male sex pheromone called androsterone and female - presumably kopulin, but it is not all scientists accept. The greatest amount of pheromone released from the armpits, nasolabial folds, scalp. It is interesting that men produce these substances are the same in different periods of life. But women are more likely pheromone is released during ovulation - when the probability of getting pregnant are highest.
Once opened pheromones, began marketing a real boom. Perfumers created special perfume with similar substances, but animal origin. And when at the end of the 20th century biologist Winifred Cutler managed to extract pheromones of female sweat, she created a perfume based on their synthetic analogues - "Athena Pheromone 1013".
Then the example of scientific adventurous ladies followed by others, perfumes and sprays were allegedly increasing attractiveness to the opposite sex. Since then, scientists argue about the effectiveness of these funds are held all sorts of studies that confirm it, it does not support the properties of the "product of passion." But this perfume on-debates among the most expensive and popular. After all, people want to be so welcome!
Considered. Perfume with pheromones that are best applied on the wrists, the dimples on the neck, earlobes, cheeks, the inner parts of the elbow. Because that is where blood vessels are closest to the skin surface. The effect of such perfume lasts about 6-8 hours.
But can the efforts and actions of their own pheromones. For this we need to wear clothes made of natural fabrics, do not use deodorants and antiperspirants, more kissing, to enhance communication materials. And in general - to be the object of his interest in closer - in all senses!