Interior nursery for children of different sexes

Interior nursery for children of different sexes
 Rooms for two children of different sexes should be planned correctly and to meet the needs of both children, who are often fighting for some part of the joint area (especially if you have children to three children). Facilities for teenage boys and teenage girls need to combine comfort and equality to the conflict not to aggravate the difference of tastes and interests.
 So, how to properly arrange design nursery for children of different sexes? Consider this question in more detail.

Planning a child's room

Any room should be divided into zones - for sleep, study and rest. Be sure to take care that every child to have had a bed and a private place for lessons. Do not forget that the children's room for girls and boys at the same time serves as a princess castle and the headquarters of Superman - so take care of an appropriate design.

If both children of the same age, the special problems usually arise. And if children of different ages and living conditions of more than modest? The solution may be a bunk bed that takes up little space, convenient for sleep and fits into the interior nursery for children of different sexes.

However, there is a caveat - children can not agree on who will take the "prestigious" top tier, which will be another catalyst for "showdown" between them.

Bunk bed is required to have high quality orthopedic mattress and drawers for storing clothes. Very popular for beds, equipped curtain (which is very important for personal space teenagers), built-in shelves and lamps. These kits allow you to use a child's room area with maximum efficiency by saving precious meters.

How to place furniture in the room heterosexual children

The most common option is the placement of beds in parallel and perpendicularly to the wall. So children will be balanced in the rights - no one is highlighted more comfortable borough.

However, this provision does not fit beds multifunctional children's room, in which children and learn, and play.

Also, the bed can be divided into a nightstand or table, so that the children felt like a really important and autonomous entity. Bedside also be zoned posters darlings of your children, attached above the bed each.

Tags: baby girl, baby, room, interior