How to decorate a house on New Year's celebration

How to decorate a house on New Year's celebration
 New Year's Eve - a good tradition that brings together family and good friends. To feast was held in an atmosphere of comfort and beauty, you must create a fitting entourage. Doing this is not necessarily in the classical form, you can experiment and fantasize, because New Year's Eve is possible.
 You can celebrate the New Year in different ways and in different conditions. Decorating the house for the holiday, it is important to remember that New Year's Eve to be like a fairy tale. But some think of this story, decide its creators.

You can make a New Year's masquerade ball in the Venetian style. The walls in this case it is best to decorate carnival masks. Guests should be warned in advance that they may also be in carnival costumes. On the table can be expanded wishes in colorful envelopes. Lay the table must be in the classical European tradition. You can afford a buffet. Then, dancing in the carnival turmoil will unceremoniously refreshing drinks and dishes to try.

Since the new year all believe in fairy tales, why not make it east. Decorating the house in east style, must be carefully selected fabrics - curtains, tablecloths, napkins. Not necessarily spend half the family budget on accessories and curtains, we can all create a patchwork fabrics suitable, as they say, out of stock. The table in this case is allowed to serve only sweet, oriental sweets and soft drinks should be fine. In a vase you can put decorated with pine branches with myrtle branches and palm trees.

Christmas tree - a special part of the holiday. New Year's without it is like a New Year's Eve. Decorate the Christmas tree can be elegant and discreet. To do this, it is best to pick up toys of the same color and shape (golden or red balls). In this case, tinsel and rain should be used at least. Emphasis can be done by highlighting the balls illumination.

If there is a child, then decorate the Christmas beauty better than his crafts and toys. Would be great if he could dress pipsqueak tree and throughout the holiday it will not be forbidden to touch the toys. By the way, small gifts and sweets also best to hang on the tree to search for them has become a kind of Christmas attraction.

Decorating the house, do not forget about the kitchen. Of course, the holiday will be held in the dining room or living room, but you will be in the kitchen preparing holiday meals. Therefore it is very important and there to create an atmosphere of joy and fun New Year. Towels, pot holders and supports for hot, you can decorate the snowflakes, embroidered Santa Claus yourself or buy a finished thing. If one of the walls to dress fir branches with bagels, pretzels and apples, get a stylish and beautiful.

Ornate window can be done. To do this, paint them with water-based paints to make it easier to wash off after the holiday. Scenes from the Christmas tales are ideal for image. Has the talent of the artist can portray the animal symbol of the year in style shinuazeri.

There is another cute decoration entertainment. Around the house can accommodate (glue tape, safety pins pinned to the curtains, etc.) cut out of paper snowflakes, which are written on the back of good fun and forecasts for the coming year. Who what snowflake take in hand, the forecast will come true for him. After the New Year always gives hope that all good things come to life.

Tags: paper, house, holiday, year, gift, style, tree, snowflake, fairy tale, ball, masquerade, branch, bagel, chinoiserie