Decorative house plants

Decorative house plants
 Scientists suggest that in the world there are more than 350,000 species of plants and, oddly enough, there is still no one can tell the exact number of them. But it is in the wild. And the average city dweller every day sees no more than two or three dozen plants. It is not surprising that many people want to enrich your life, rassazhivaya flowers in home gardens or creating in their apartments picturesque corners with decorative houseplants.  
 Ornamental plants that are used to decorate the interior of the home, divided into several classes.

Plants with erect stems are usually large in size, they immediately attract attention. Usually they are installed separately without using the construction of flower arrangements.

Bushy ornamental plants are lush branching stems and very different shape and color of leaves.

Ample plants - those that fell down, so they are usually placed in hanging vases. They, like many other ornamental plants, different shape of leaves, their color, texture and proportion.

Plants representing outlet of leaves, usually have no stem. Their leaves are often brightly colored, are streaked or border. This group includes compact and miniature succulents, cacti, stonecrops, saxifrage, etc.

People decorate their house with ornamental plants, using all these groups depending on the size of the rooms, window sills, ceiling height and your personal preferences. As every detail of the interior, the plants must be properly positioned in space, taking into account their needs in light, temperature and humidity.

Flowers bad feeling in the kitchen or in the bathroom (if it has a window). But these areas are usually small, and here you can put or hang a maximum of two or three interesting plants. Many housewives as "decorative" successfully grow on a windowsill balm, onion, parsley and other culinary "supplements".

The plants, which are placed in the bedrooms, special requirements: there should be no flowers give off a strong aroma or likely to cause allergies.

Cozy and lively look ornamental plants in the nursery. But perhaps a more rational and unusual will look no ordinary flower pot on the windowsill or pots on the wall, and a small garden under glass. For example, you can take an ordinary fishbowl or any other container, pour back drainage layer of soil and plant cacti or any low-growing and slow-growing plants. And even decorate this fantastic garden with colorful stones, shells, toys. Special care such flowers do not require.

But the most important place for ornamental plants - it's usually room or living room. Here you can place and Highlight tapeworm - a large single plant, for example, ficus, palm tree, Monstera, begonia, Caladium, cyclamen and so on. Large flowers are placed on the floor, the ones that are smaller, on a stand or suspended. You can also create a floral arrangement at one side of the room, placing each plant so that it can be better viewed as. Such a delightful green oasis in your room will create a favorable climate, enhance mood, cheer up or, on the contrary, calm (depending on the type of plant).

Tags: domestic, color, type, plant