What to buy in Thailand: exotic shopping

What to buy in Thailand: exotic shopping
 Every traveler returning from any country that seeks to bring home as a reminder of the trip, something specific, peculiar to this part of the world. Is no exception and mysterious and exciting, exotic and mysterious Kingdom of Thailand - a country of pristine nature and thousands of temples, rich culture and golden beaches.
 Before you go shopping, get ready for the fact that prices are relatively low, so be careful - try to avoid unnecessary temptations and spending. The main products that are usually acquired in Thailand tourists - it's jewelry, clothing, leather and a variety of souvenirs.

Sapphires, rubies, emeralds offers many stores and shops, but beware: if you do not understand the gems, you can easily slip a fake. Therefore it is better to make such serious shopping in larger, more reputable shops. But if you want to buy any product from the black pearl, should go to the pearl farm on the island of Phuket - here it is cheaper.

Deciding to bring this country all sorts of leather goods, also listen to what you tell sellers: very often a belt or purse you extol as made of elephant skin. Do not believe it - most likely, it was once just a cow. But if you buy, for example, the crocodile farm (in Pattaya or Samut Prakane), crocodile handbag, believe me - it will please you for a long time.

Thai stores you buy clothes fall case almost all the fashion houses of the world - especially a lot of boutiques and shopping malls in Bangkok. However, attempting to buy Prada or Versace natural market, be careful - most likely, you come home with a fake.

Souvenirs from Thailand - a separate issue (which, incidentally, just the best buys on the market - cheaper). In this country, you can pick up a souvenir for a boss (for example, a figure of an elephant tusk or bronze gong), trinkets for friends (key rings and magnets, figurines of frogs and picture frames, caps and t-shirts), sweets for friends (coconut chips and cashews with chocolate, spices and dried fruit). You can bring home something that complements your home decor - lamps made from coconut or painting on silk or velvet, silk or bamboo chairs umbrellas, blankets or even carpets. And you can fill up your set of kitchen utensils: dishes sold in Thailand from tin and shells, coconut and teak, as well as all kinds of napkin holders, vases, kanapeshnitsy.

In short, Thailand - a country rich in gifts and souvenirs. And most importantly - buying, bargain, bargain - wherever it is allowed.

Tags: buy, Thailand, souvenir, thailand, shopping