Things with history: a guide to flea markets in Europe

Things with history: a guide to flea markets in Europe
 Currently, tourists traveling in Europe, are not limited to interest a visit historical and cultural places or good shopping. Many of them tend to go on the famous European flea markets. This is understandable, because these peculiar flea markets can also be called an open-air museum where you can find unique items with its rich history.
 If you are interested in collecting or just want to find and buy for yourself some interesting vintage trinkets, a trip to the flea market - the event for you. Such markets exist in almost all European countries. In the capital - one of the largest in the world; They visited daily by tens and even hundreds of thousands of tourists, collectors and locals, zealous masters of modest means and Hollywood stars. In smaller cities such scale collapse of the old things, of course, are not as big, but not less rich in content. Visit flea markets can be shared with a tour group, as this is usually provided by the tour program. But if you are a true connoisseur of antiquities, you better go there by yourself and to give things of the past as much time as you can afford.

At flea markets you can find almost everything you can wish your soul: vintage musical instruments, records, clothes and shoes, antique furniture, silverware, china, t-shirts with unusual prints and old books ... The main thing - to find a place where it is sold, what you want to buy. But have patience, because have to go through miles of shopping malls and rummage through huge piles of various "treasures".

There are flea markets, usually on weekends, but there are exceptions, which means that it is necessary to specify in advance before your trip. The relevant information is on the Internet, but note that it does not become outdated.
What would you market is not chosen, the main rule - to come back as soon as possible, to the very opening, because the most interesting things are bought in the first place. But if you have little money, it makes sense to get back to the closing, when sellers agree to significantly reduce the price that buyers are not interested in the past. In addition, at flea markets to bargain, so you have a chance to buy you liked the thing and cheaper.

In Paris, the most famous market - Saint-Ouen. The total length of the passages in it - 17 km. There are antiques, porcelain, designer clothing and accessories, used books, music, ethnic items and so on. This is a complex of 15 markets, each of its orientation. If you have no experience in such purchases and are not familiar with antiques and art, as well as do not have a weighty purse, better to limit the excursion. Look interesting, but buying anything expensive here, and there is a large probability of being cheated.

For vintage inexpensive things advised to go to another Parisian flea market - Porte de Vanves. This place attracts collectors clothes and all students of the history of fashion. In addition, the market is located in the open air, so the rain can get the biggest discounts on things.

Very attractive and interesting shopping you can do in the first weekend in Lille. These days, the city became the capital of antiques. Counters are located on all the main streets, shopping arcades stretch for many kilometers. Here you can find a product to suit every taste, and the prices are much lower than in Paris.

In London, there is also a flea market - Portobello. You can find it a lot of antiques from the British aristocratic estates, including antique furniture, lamps, dishes and clothes. Lovers of old cutlery can spend hours rummaging through the bazaars with utensils, and stylists and designers - in dresses British fashionistas. Popular with lovers of antiquity and the so-called sell-out of the trunk. Hundreds gather for avtolavok Battersea Park Road every Sunday. They can find books, old postcards, dishes, linens and even vintage furniture.

For young people will be interested in the market Waterlooplein in Amsterdam. It is possible to find unusual T-shirts, old uniforms, ethnic products from Africa and America, etc. at affordable prices. And on April 30 for fans of flea market comes a real treat. On the birthday of the Queen Mother abolished duties on street trade, so not only the Dutch high jinks, but totally unnecessary sell things on the farm.

The biggest market of Germany in Berlin. There is a place to roam lovers rarities of the last century. Records, crystal, family photos and soldiers, porcelain, attributes and other socialist period resemble a museum, not the market. Therefore, even if you do not plan to buy anything, visit the flea market at the Tiergarten interesting.

Collection of old but very attractive cute knick-knacks, you can recharge by visiting Brussels Antique Market, Roman Porta Portese, Vienna Naschmarkt, Madrid El Rastro and hundreds of other large and not very flea markets. On any of them you can expect a pleasant surprise.

Tags: thing, the market, history, europe, guide, flea market