The Great Depression: if lost interest in life

The Great Depression: if lost interest in life
 Depression - a normal reaction to the blows of life, stress, frustration, etc. Changing this status and return to life begins with understanding yourself. The best weapon against depression - learn all about it. Do not be afraid of depression, it is better to think of as a springboard for their own growth.

Depression, no one is immune. Almost everyone at some point in their lives experienced depression. While some people experience it quickly and easily, while others sink into despair. The fact that depression often affects women, - misleading. Just women are more likely to seek professional help.

How do you know that it is depression. The first sign - you experience sadness, apathy, you have no hope, lose interest in life. In short, you have a sense of gloom settled. The second feature - you do not see a way out and solve problems. The third feature - disappears sexual interest, reduced physical activity. Interest to the food as may be completely absent or present in excess, as well as the ability to sleep. The fourth feature - reduced confidence. The fifth feature - you avoid the company of others because of unwarranted fear of rejection. You try to avoid life to such an extent that even appear suicidal thoughts. The sixth feature - you become hypersensitive to what other people say. Seventh sign - you can not control your emotions. Eighth feature - you feel guilty.

Now that it is clear that such a depression, it is necessary to establish its cause. Depression can lead an unhealthy diet and rest. For example, when not eating regularly and not enough rest, you can begin depression. Certain drugs can also cause chemical changes in the body, leading to depression. If the doctor has appointed you drugs and you are experiencing due to their difficulty concentrating or apathy, be sure to consult a specialist. Can lead to depression, various physical reasons. This variety of infections, hepatitis, hormonal disorders, etc. Losing a loved one can also lead to depression. In this case, it decreases over time.

In order to cope with depression, you need this badly want. To start learn to look at the problem directly, instead of running away from it. People taking drugs or alcohol, try to avoid reality, but it is not an option. Sometimes, in order to defeat depression, improve sleep, appetite, ability to experience pleasure from life requires medication. However, never self-medicate. Only a doctor can prescribe medication for depression. Prevention of depression - to maintain an active lifestyle.

Remember that the problem can not last forever. In life, everything changes. Therefore, no matter how hard it seemed to believe that everything will change. Never give up. Decide for yourself that will only move forward, because in the life of so many people and things that can help us, and we never know when they will appear. Engaged in that brings you pleasure. This will create a positive mood and helps overcome depression. Replace negative thoughts positive. Do not criticize yourself. Spend more time outdoors. The world will fill you with its energy and support. Believe in yourself and in what you more depressed.

Tags: depression, life, interest, apathy, cause despondency