Mechanisms and patterns of thinking

Mechanisms and patterns of thinking
 Knowledge of the world can not be imagined without the activity of the thinking process. Thinking, being born in a problem situation, allows not only to solve it, but very slowly during the decision goes to a qualitatively new level of development

Conscious life is impossible without making various kinds of elections in one or another of the situation. People constantly not just chooses he faces situations, circumstances, new to him.

The need to find the right information not only activates the cognitive strategies, it is an incentive intellectual activity. In other words, the mechanism of thinking is based on the occurrence of any problems, the situation of occurrence of which is uncomfortable for the person.

The emergence of the problem situation is usually due to the lack of available information, that is a kind of analysis of the problem provokes a search for new knowledge. To the object causing the problem situation, to consider a new way, it is necessary to focus on its sides, which had not previously been seen. This is possible through the synthesis, ie correlating the selected object of thought with other similar objects.

Correlation analysis by synthesis is one of the most important laws of thought which provokes cognitive study of the selected object. Thinking is not possible without confirming its validity.

Any current events are grounded, emerging from any circumstances. This allows the person in most cases to control the situation, to predict their permission and direct action at the right direction.

Another regularity of thinking is the selectivity, ie the ability to carry out the selection of intelligence is the knowledge that are relevant in this particular situation. Selectivity is impossible without anticipation, ie forecasting developments.

Solving a problem situation, people constantly evaluates itself and its decisions, ie conducting reflection, which contributes to the selection of adequate solutions and development of the subject in personal terms.

Tags: thinking, mechanism, law