If you - an introvert

If you - an introvert
 Introvert - from the Latin "intro" - «inside" and "versus" - focus - the type of person that focuses on the inner world. Energy exchange occurs during sleep. Character seems secretive, introverted because no hurry to express their opinions and show their emotions.

Introvert comfortably tolerate solitude, does not feel the need to constantly be in the company. On the contrary, noisy meetings can take it out of balance and tire. They also prefer to work alone, so suitable profession for them - a scientist, writer, researcher, the individual entrepreneur.

In dating introvert prefers to have a small number of friends (as opposed to an extrovert), which is familiar for a long time and is very close. But a true friend, as an introvert - a real godsend.

Advantages introvert - the ability to work alone, non-conflict softness, willingness to listen, the ability to make concessions. The latter can be attributed to the shortcomings, as sometimes occurs introvert on your throat, just to get away from the confrontation.

Disadvantages introvert - poor communication skills, including the inability to strike up an acquaintance or conversation, stage fright, and public speaking.

Introvert will balance your character, if you learn to achieve a positive response from interlocutors and listeners. To do this, it is important to respect others, to put their interests ahead of their own.

And working on yourself, you can achieve great success, because there are many examples of geniuses introverts who received public recognition. The main thing - to know their weaknesses and to bet on the positive qualities. For information on how to understand themselves and become successful without changing the values ​​that are inherent in you, say, for example, in the book by Susan Cain "Introverts. How to use the features of his character. "

Year by year, more and more extroverts pulling the rope to his side, as a result of their world acquires the status of a cultural norm. In this situation, the life of the polar type of personality is much more complicated.

Particularly noticeable this process in America, the home of the author of the book about introverts, where success and public recognition are valued higher than anywhere else. Where a wide smile, the ability to speak with any stranger or an impromptu address to a large audience should be absorbed with their mother's milk. But whether all comfortable to live in such a world? In the book, Susan reflects on the nature of introversion, reinforcing its findings the results of numerous studies. Being an introvert, shares his experiences, tells the inspiring stories of friends and people who left their mark in world history.

The book contains practical advice on how to become a successful introvert that he is interested in, but due to the active communication and the need to be always in sight. Susan admits that, you can say, writing this book all my life. And, as always happens when the writer knows about the problem first hand, raises the most acute problems, very accurately describes the situation and offers proven solutions for yourself.

The concept of introversion is considered in the book pretty well, so it can be recommended to all those who seek to understand themselves and succeed.

Tags: character, friend, companion, familiarity, lack of dignity, the listener, introvert