How to express tenderness

How to express tenderness
 The familiar smell nice features, native voice. You feel a rush of tenderness, but do not know how to express it to your loved one. You are filled with a flurry of feelings and emotions, and it seems just about to rip the heart apart ...
 Women and men express their feelings in different ways. The fair sex more open, their emotions are spontaneous and impulsive character. Experiencing tenderness and love for man, woman express all this in words, which is especially evident in endearment such as "kitten", "cute". Men, on the contrary, do not indulge favorite compliments, even if you are willing to enthusiastically look at his only life.

Of course, no affection can not replace real actions, daily proving sincere love. But you must admit that hide feelings for the person whom you love with all your heart, it is much more difficult than to show them. In particular, if the feelings are really strong.

As a rule, at the initial stage of relations and a man and a woman, constantly demonstrate affection to one another - whisper sweet words, holding hands. Then affection "for no reason" is gradually disappearing from the life of the couple, giving way to the discussion of domestic problems and resolve disputes. But you can all return, feeling again the long-forgotten experience!

Will be sincere. Do not be afraid to show the depth of his feelings. Trust intuition, it will tell you what to do next.

Make her chosen small romantic gift. Let it be a card, a flower or a souvenir. Always remember that the main thing - it is not a thing but their attention. Will be doubly pleased if the gift will be made by your hands.

To talk about their feelings, you can do so: Invite your loved one to a romantic place (for example, in the cafe). It is important to create a calm, encourages forthright atmosphere. Embrace your soul mate carefully and tenderly. Gently, softly and gently tell about their feelings.

Can express their affection and practical assistance. For example, cook dinner, go to the store, wash the dishes. Let your guy feel secure in your hands, fit and truly loved.

Tags: feeling