Friendship between man and woman, What is this?

Friendship between man and woman, What is this?
 Is a friendship between people of different sex if they are? This question has long been concerned about people around the world and still it is impossible to get a clear answer. So can a man and a woman to spend much time together, socialize, be emotionally close and not feel sexual desire at the same time? Or sooner or later such relations necessarily end up in bed?

The belief that men and women be friends can not, go with the times of old, when the relationship of opposite sexes evolved very monotonous. Woman and man can live in a cave just being in a sexual relationship, which is why neither of which friendship is, in principle, the question could not be. With the development of society, our roles have changed greatly changed and the possibility of communication between representatives of different sexes.

Man and woman unwittingly may experience a mutual attraction, and their most innocent communication will be painted completely different colors, there's nothing you can do about it. But here goes whether such a friendship into something more, or will remain a pleasant form of communication - never previously impossible to predict. Studies and surveys have shown that in such friendly terms, one or both are tempted to turn a friendship into something more, but for some reason do not.

It is worth noting that the habit of "making friends" characterized by mostly women. Men do not always understand how they may benefit from this type of communication with the woman, because not able to get satisfaction from the strong communication and conversations. For women, the need for conversation, communication and trust simple friendly support sometimes is much more important than sexual contact. That is why the initiators of friendship is more likely to be women, and men agree to such a relationship, albeit with less hunting.

If you are experiencing bouts of jealousy towards her friend your beloved, not necessarily that it is justified. It often happens that the long-term communication is really very much brings people together and makes them good friends, regardless of gender and age. By the way, the longer such a friendship, the less reason for concern. After all, even if initially there are sexual desire, over time, it is invariably subsides and gradually eroding. This is really quite platonic friendship and unselfish and can last for many years.

Friendship between man and woman is possible, though from the usual same-sex friendship is, of course, will be different. It is not necessary to make a scene or jealous man, if you see that he communicates not only with his friends, but also pays attention to women. After all, you, too, can be completely disinterested platonic relationships with men at work or in a large group of friends. Just try to trust each other.

Tags: Male gender, communication, woman, friendship