Houseplants are always popular. We love them for their beauty and ability to please the eye and improve mood. But some plants have medicinal properties, and more. Such plants are kept in the house double pleasure.
Jasmine. In addition to its delicate beauty of this plant has tonic properties. Acts as an aphrodisiac, ie increases the potency and sexuality. Its leaves and flowers can be added to tea (preferably green) and enjoy a delicious and fragrant drink.
Kalanchoe. This plant is also called the "tree of Goethe", "flower Goethe" in memory of the great poet. Kalanchoe juice has anti-inflammatory effect, cleans wounds, while not irritating to mucous membranes and skin and low toxicity. A drop of its juice with tea helps with colds.
Aloe. People call it "agave". This plant does not tolerate frost, so it is diluted as the flower room. Aloe is a good helper for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Because it makes tinctures, which is administered orally.
Geranium. Acts as an antidepressant. If geranium leaves attach to the pulse, the lower the pressure. If high pressure heart, you need to rub a piece of the heart. Also flower used in cholelithiasis as a tincture. But remember geranium Allergy is not a friend.
Myrtle tree (myrtle). Very gentle nature. May die with frequent conflicts and quarrels. Rubbing leaves of myrtle useful for depression and stress.
Lemon, mandarin tree. These trees are very beautiful in bloom for a long time, which no doubt delight their owners. Yet they can try to grow fruit. Although they will be less than what we're used to seeing, but also rich in mineral properties.
Tradescantia. It cleans and moistens the air in the room, neutralize electromagnetic radiation. People admiring the lush and luscious greens of this plant, relieve tension from the eyes, improves mood and makes breathing easier. Tradescantia is useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and in combination with cranberries - good immunomodulator.
Cacti. Though inaccessible, but helpful and very nice bloom. As is well known cactus absorb radiation that is so harmful to humans. Therefore, put them at the TV or computer.
Azalea. This beauty is very insidious. It relieves stress from the eyes. The main thing to put it so that you feel comfortable switching his gaze on her. If children are present, be careful, because eaten leaf can cause intestinal colic, convulsions and arrhythmias.
Ficus. Improves the atmosphere in the house. This plant is better to put in the corners, in the negative zone for the absorption of a bad energy.
Nolin. She "elephant leg" - flower family. Contributes to prosperity in the family. Improve the aura of family relations.
Chlorophytum and sansevera. These houseplants perfectly absorb odors. Therefore, their place where smoking or in the kitchen.
Absolutely all houseplants improve the composition of the air and purify the atmosphere. Remember, the main thing with trepidation treat your indoor pets, then they will not remain in debt.