Modern stain removers effectively cope with spots of chocolate without damaging the material. Apply a small amount onto the contaminated area. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse under running water.
To remove stains from chocolate, prepare a soap solution. In a separate container, pour warm water, add the liquid soap or dishwashing detergent and stir. Put clothes on the towel, folded in several layers. Dampen a sponge in the solution and repeatedly wipe the stain from outside to inside. After the product can be washed as usual.
To remove stains from chocolate, mix the egg yolk and glycerol so as to obtain a homogeneous mass. Apply to the contaminated area, rub and let sit for a few minutes. Rinse the trail from stains with cold running water and dry.
To clean the stain of chocolate, take the boric acid and dissolve in water. Dampen a sponge or old toothbrush in the fluid and clean clothes.
For removing stains from chocolate chronic use oxalic acid. Take 1 cup of water half a teaspoon of acid. Moisten a cotton ball in the resulting solution and wipe the contaminated area of tissue. After 10 minutes, rinse in cold water and wash with the addition of a powder for stubborn stains.
To remove stains from wool fabrics, take glycerin. Moisten a cotton ball, dab pollution and leave for 20 minutes. After this time, the track faded from the spot with warm water and dishwashing liquid or soap.