How to wash acrylic paint

How to wash acrylic paint
 Paint and varnish industry does not stand still, constantly bring new and new products that hit their characteristics. Acrylic paint is very popular and in the repair and the creation of works of art, so the stains from her is not uncommon.
 Acrylic paint - is a combination of water, a pigment and a binder. It is environmentally friendly, it includes virtually no solvents. One of the very important advantages of acrylic paints - rapid drying, thereby forming resilient stretch film firmly adhering to the surface. This feature is also a serious disadvantage. If fresh acrylic paint can be easily dissolved with water, then dried paint will wash water is not.

Therefore, the simplest solution - to quickly remove paint until it is dry. Take a damp cloth and wipe the stain, it is better to do it with soapy water. If the paint has started to dry up, then quickly remove it out, adding water, soda or vinegar.

The real problems start when the stain has dried completely. If the paint got on the surface that can be scraped, then use a knife or other sharp instrument.

If the bright spot appeared on the fabric, then buy a hardware store for a special wash of acrylic paint. Do not forget to test the fabric for resistance to chemical reagents in the wash. Making sure that the fabric will not be affected, apply the liquid on the stain and wait for a few minutes. Rub the stain still sodden sponge dipped means. After necessarily wash product. This wash can be used on other surfaces that will be resistant to it.

As removers can be used turpentine, means for removing nail polish. These funds are suitable for the treatment of wooden surfaces.

Some people recommend very unusual way - the brake fluid, which makes the paint jelly. Then you can just gently clean off its surface contaminated with a toothbrush. Another original way is the tool for pipe cleaning, for example, "The Mole". High-quality soap will also help deal with the problem.

Those involved in batik, sometimes faced with the problem of dead hands. It all depends on the type of the acrylic paint. The most commonly used alcohol-purpose cleaner or an alcohol-gasoline mixture.

Tags: paint