How to remove wax from clothing

How to remove wax from clothing
 If your clothes accidentally fell drops of paraffin, do not immediately throw the thing in the trash. Stains such origin can be removed easily at home.
 To remove wax from clothing, you will need an iron. Cover the spot with the right and wrong sides attach blotting paper or paper towel. Place the unit on a flat surface and iron contaminated area with warm iron. Repeat several times, periodically changing the napkins. From colored wax may leave traces. To get rid of them, faded cloth with warm water and soap or stain remover. Rinse under running water, wring out and dry.

Pack the clothes with stains from the wax in a plastic bag. Then put in the freezer. When the wax hardens completely, remove the product and remove contaminated sharps. Be careful not to damage the fabric. For delicate fabrics, it is better not to use this method.

To remove stains from the wax using refined petrol or turpentine. On the wrong side attach a paper towel or cloth. Moisten a cotton pad or a sponge in a solvent and attach to the contaminated sites. Gasoline will gradually dissolve paraffin, and from the spot will be over. To apply this method should be cautious. For some types of fabrics gasoline can be fatal. So before you begin to remove the wax, make sure that the tool does not do any harm. Put a little gasoline on the seam or other inconspicuous place clothes and wait for a few minutes. If during this time the fabric changed color or texture, give up the money.

Remove fat trace of wax can be rubbing alcohol. Wipe the area with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Then rinse, wash the clothes with powder for stubborn stains.

To remove stains from the wax on the delicate fabrics, use dishwashing liquid. Apply the product to the place spoiled with a thick layer and leave in this position for the night. In the morning, wash cloth under running water and wash as usual.

Tags: clothing, paraffin