How to remove stains on suede shoes

How to remove stains on suede shoes
 During wear suede shoes soiled and loses an attractive appearance. To avoid this, it is necessary for it to properly care and time to clean from contamination.
 To remove stains from oil, aviation fuel use. Moisten a cotton pad with solvent and wipe the soiled areas from outside to inside. Then rinse the trace of the stain with a damp sponge and foam blot excess moisture with a paper towel. Dry shoes at room temperature away from direct sunlight and heat sources. In addition, during the cleaning Keep it wet chamois. After drying, the material will become coarse and lose shape. Please note that in some cases, gasoline can discolor suede. Therefore, before using it to test the action. To do this, put on an inconspicuous section of a few drops of the product and wait for 3-5 minutes.

From oil stains will help get rid potato starch or talc. Sprinkle a thick layer of pollution adsorbent. Leave as a few hours. After this time, shake off excess powder with a brush or cloth.

To remove stains from white salt, take a brush and clean the suede. Then pour into the pan or kettle with water and bring to a boil. Hold the shoes over the steam for a few minutes and treat rubber brush for nubuck. It can be purchased in large supermarkets and shoe stores.

Dissolve skim milk in glass 1 teaspoon baking soda, or a 10% ammonia. Wipe shoes with a cotton swab dipped in a solution. Wait a few minutes and rinse with a damp microfibre cloth.

To get rid of gloss, mix 50 ml of 10% aqueous ammonia to 100 ml of warm water. Dampen a sponge, wring out and clean zalosnivshiesya areas of the body. Then wipe with a damp cloth.

For removing minor impurities, stir in about equal proportions of potato starch and ammonia. Apply the mass on the damaged places of shoes and leave to dry completely. Then shake the starch brush.

Tags: spot shoes