After these steps, the rump shake or starch, clean the product with a soft brush or sponge delicate movements. The fine particles of starch grains and fine collected over dirt and dust from furs, without affecting its color and texture.
Use of hydrogen peroxide. Three percent the amount of peroxide Dissolve one teaspoon in a glass of warm water, then add a couple of drops of ammonia. The resulting solution was put on the fur. Note that the liquid must be applied strictly on the growth of the villi. After that, leave for 1-2 hours in the bright sun. This method has a significant disadvantage - if you overexpose a hat in the sun, the light Pestsovoye fur can turn yellow. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the process.
Also, to remove stains and other contaminants can use flour, grind oatmeal. Sprinkle the powder in such a cap, and place heavy dirt rub it. Leave for 30 minutes and clean the product with a vacuum cleaner.
If a cap formed greasy spot, then help ammonia and common salt. To pour salt with ammonia to produce a slurry and cause it with gauze tampon or sponge on the stain, and if contamination is fresh, then the resulting mixture should be applied during the growth of fur in the case of an old spot must be cleaned of contamination, on the contrary, against the growth fur.
Such a simple way you can clean Pestsovaya hat - refresh it, remove spots or make them inconspicuous.