Before processing, wash and dry the jeans. Do not forget to remove from the pockets of small objects and rubbish. Please note that a dirty cloth dye can not be fixed or lie spots. You can handle the thing in the washing machine or use enamel basin or tank.
Take enameled bowl, dissolve it acquired dye. Do not save it, or thing may acquire Lin-gray. Stir to dissolve the paint. Immerse jeans into a bowl so that they are completely covered with the solution. Place the design on a heated plate and boil, constantly turning the jeans to ensure uniform staining. Make sure that the water is not poured out on the burner.
If you managed to acquire a means for coloring in the washing machine, the process is greatly simplified. Follow the instructions on the package. Usually required to dissolve the paint in a separate container, pour it into a drum, loaded into his jeans and enable the laundry boiling - water temperature should not be below 90 degrees C. If it is provided for in the annotations, add salt to the water.
After processing things in hot paint rinse it in warm water. Prepare a solution of cold water with a few tablespoons of vinegar and immerse the jeans to fix the color. The last stage - another quick wash with detergent for colored things. Do not worry that the freshly jointed jeans shed - the paint is already firmly absorbed into the fabric fibers. Then again, rinse with vinegar thing - so it is desirable to do after each wash.
A few months later the process of refreshing colors can be repeated.