Natural lemon juice - also a good tool for cleaning silver jewelry. The method is extremely simple. Squeeze lemon juice into a glass dish, and put a chain. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. Then remove and wipe dry with a soft cloth. Instead of lemon juice can enjoy citric acid (powder), which is at an arbitrary ratio, dilute with warm water.
Silverware with a smooth surface is well cleaned gruel prepared from baking soda, to which is added a few drops of water. A piece of cloth dipped in this composition, just wipe decoration. To clean the chain should not be used cloth and a toothbrush with soft bristles. Typing on it a little bit of soda, carefully clean all zvenyshki chain, then rinse it under running water and blot with a napkin.
Severely tarnished silver chain can be boiled in a little water, which added detergent or baking soda. Boiling time since simmer 3-5 minutes. Upon completion of the decoration should be rinsed with clean water and wipe dry. From plaque will be over.
As in ancient times, many women pure silver chain tooth powder or toothpaste. The main thing after this procedure - a good wash decoration. One can use a toothbrush to remove residual powder or paste on the inside links.
If you fear that spend cleaning procedure silver chain quality, give it to the jeweler or a workshop, experts will do everything for you. Or buy them a special tool for cleaning silver jewelry and in accordance with the instructions treat the chain.