If the shoes to get rid of dirt you use a damp cloth, the cream should be applied immediately after washing. Once a week, wipe shoes piece of cloth soaked in gasoline or turpentine, which destroy the remnants of the cream and patches on the skin. After some time after such a procedure is necessary to lubricate the shoe cream and rub to a shine.
Dried tough shoes grease castor oil or fish oil. To protect it from moisture and soften the skin well as fish oil to lubricate new boots. A few hours after this they will need to clean the shoe creams. At least once a week, before you begin to clean boot blacking, slightly promazhte them some fat or lard. Then immediately remove it with a napkin or cloth and only then apply the cream. Skin will become clean luster, softness and ability to resist moisture.
White and colored leather shoes rub woolen cloth to remove dirt and dust. Then apply a layer of cotton cloth colorless cream and leave it for a while. Rub the woolen cloth to make the skin shine. To clean the brown shoes, prepare a mixture of a teaspoon of turpentine, and three tablespoons of milk. With a cotton swab soak shoes, wipe with a soft cloth and apply the cream. When mixed with the dust layer of ointment on the skin creates congestion in appearance resembling cracks. Clean them with turpentine.