What eats the stars

What eats the stars
 For celebrities and movie stars support pieces in excellent condition - duty, often even stipulated in the contract. Many media personalities have their own secrets to weight loss, found by trial and error. What eats the stars to stay in shape?

Actress Elizabeth Hurley continues to delight its slim figure even after the birth of her son. The secret of its elegance - watercress. Elizabeth from it prepares soup that can complement your daily diet and lose weight without feeling hungry. Watercress soup malokalorien contains vitamins and minerals that help to lose weight comfortably.

To this onion soup have 1, 2 small potatoes, three beam watercress, 1, 5 l of water or chicken broth, salt and spices. Potatoes and onions chop, put in a saucepan, cover with water or broth, add salt, spices and put to boil. When the potatoes are soft, add the crushed watercress soup. Simmer the soup for about 3 minutes. Once it turns green, remove the soup from the heat and pour into a cold pan. The day you can eat a few cups of soup. Other products you want to restrict, but the food must be complete and include meat, fish, fruits and vegetables.

Another Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow has also envy figure. It helps to stay slim "macrobiotic" diets that it adheres to the youth. Gwyneth diet based on eastern cuisine and consists of brown rice, wheat, soybeans germinated seeds, vegetables, fruits and fish. It is forbidden to eat meat, dairy products, caffeine and alcohol. To compensate for the lack of vitamins and calcium daily is recommended to take special complexes. Of all the possible diet, most Gwyneth loves fruit and walnut risotto.

For it would require 350 g of brown rice, 250 grams of dried fruit, 3 celery sticks, green onions, 10 tablespoons of vegetable oil, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and ginger, 90 g of a mixture of purified sunflower seeds and peanuts, 1 tablespoon fresh coriander, salt and black pepper. Pour the oil in a frying pan and fry until golden brown onion and celery. Then add the dried fruit and 850 ml of water. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes. Then add the rice, ginger, cinnamon, pepper and salt. Stir the mixture, and simmer it, covered, over low heat until almost all the water boils away. Sprinkle risotto seeds and nuts, peas, add black pepper, cover and hold on the stove for 5 minutes.

Very strict diet to bring his figures to normal adheres model Claudia Schiffer. In the morning she eats 1 boiled egg. Next meal 3 hours - 150 grams of cottage cheese and tea. After another three hours - again, 150 g of cottage cheese and tea. After that, until the end of the day Claudia allows himself only mineral water. Naturally, no sugar and salt. Diet lasts a week, and it can only be repeated after a month. During the diet is recommended to take a complex of vitamins and trace elements.

Tags: star, diet, slate, Gwyneth, Elizabeth Harley