The most harmful female profession

The most harmful female profession
 Sometimes even the most peaceful and tranquil occupation can cause serious harm to human health. According to the latest scientific data of the three most dangerous female professions included: teacher, Sales and stewardess.
 Topping the list of hazardous occupations ladies took the teacher's work. During the constant monologue educators dries quickly back wall of the pharynx, over time it loses the natural barrier properties, and the larynx rush various viruses and bacteria. Teachers often other people suffer from diseases of the upper respiratory tract. One of the most terrible enemies of teachers is angina, which over time can take a chronic form. National Center for Voice and Speech United States, together with the American Institute of Physics, found that female teachers risk losing votes to 32 times higher than those of other professions (including opera singers). In addition, teachers constantly have to strain not only ligaments, and nerves but that leads to constant stress, extremely negative impact on women's health.

Second place goes to the profession of sales assistant. Strict dress code, as observed in serious organizations, usually prescribes female employees throughout the day to stand in high heels-hairpin. Therefore, frequent companion of sellers is varicose veins arising from the fact that the blood in the veins begins to stagnate. This is a serious disease accompanied by constant swelling of the legs, on which there are "patterns" of the blue-and-red-stars veins. Treatment of varicose veins - a rather long and laborious process that requires surgical intervention in very advanced cases.

Three of the most dangerous female occupations closes styurdessa. On-board conductors are more likely to face complications during pregnancy. In the sky, they are exposed to many negative factors: the change in the gravitational pressure, ozone and radiation, a lot of noise, vibration, frequent changes of time zones disrupts the natural human biorhythms. All this has a negative effect on the development of the fetus, so the flight attendants can be difficult to bear and give birth to healthy babies.

Tags: profession