Products with chronic fatigue

Products with chronic fatigue
 Chronic fatigue syndrome weakened all the safety functions of the human body. Eating the right foods will increase the body's resistance, necessary vitamins and minerals normalize the immune and central nervous and endocrine systems of your body.

Oatmeal, buckwheat, chicken and eggs - all of these products contain the amino acid tryptophan, which is processed in the body in the "happiness hormone" serotonin. Daily consumption of these products not only satisfy the body's need for serotonin, but also perfectly saturated, leaving no hunger.

Fish, especially oily (mackerel, herring, salmon, salmon) contains vitamin B6, not only improves mood, but also strengthens the immune system. Besides fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids and amino acid tryptophan, which is also formed of serotonin. It is advisable to eat fish every week at least 3-4 times. The daily rate of consumption is 100-150 grams.

Oranges, tangerines, as well as carrots, beets, tomatoes, and other vegetables and fruits bright colors containing substances bioflavonoids that help improve cerebral circulation and mood elevation.

Seaweed is rich in B vitamins, which regulate the adrenal glands and helps produce the hormone adrenaline. Sea kale should not buy in canned form, and weight.

Separately, talk about bananas. Bananas - a storehouse of vitamins, trace elements and a plurality of useful minerals are sources of potassium, iron, tryptophan, which also in turn forms serotonin. Bananas are perhaps one of the most essential products for chronic fatigue syndrome.
Dark chocolate contains large amounts of polyphenols, which are involved in the synthesis of serotonin, in addition cocoa beans contain magnesium, which relieves stress. Chocolate must be precisely with a dark cocoa content of not less than 80% of its daily intake of 45-50 grams.

Nuts. Besides the already known polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3), vitamin B6 and the amino acid tryptophan nuts contain selenium mineral required for the functioning of the immune system. Particularly rich in selenium Brazil nut. The daily rate of consumption of 30 grams of nuts.

Record for calcium and phosphorus - cheese. Besides amino acid tyramine and phenylethylamine triktamina cheese also contains vitaminamy and A, D, E, B1, B2, B12, PP, C. nutrients contained in the cheese, 98-99% absorbed by the body. Daily consumption of cheese is recommended in the amount of 30-40 grams.
And a few more tips.

Reassess your diet. Try to break meals into 5-6 pieces and adhere to your specific schedule reception.

Spend more time on the move. Very useful for long walks in the fresh air. Get enough sleep, do not drink on the night of drinks containing caffeine, try not to smoke before going to sleep, relax, everything about what you are going to think you will think tomorrow. And slows dyhanie- concentrate on breathing deeply and evenly.

Tags: fatigue product vitamin