How to send a holiday Director

How to send a holiday Director
 Director-General, as well as any ordinary skill relies on legislation vacation. Depending on how it is regulated by the statute of the enterprise, the question of vacation is solved by the manager or board of founders.
 If the charter company stipulates that the question of the holiday of the sole executive body should be decided at a meeting of the founders, the director a month before leaving on vacation should write a statement in which they indicate the start and end dates of annual leave, the number of his days, and address document chairman of the board members .

At the meeting, the founders must consider giving the Director General of holidays, as well as the appointment of Executive Officer of another employee. The decision shall be necessary to a protocol and signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the constituent assembly.

If in the Charter of the said paragraph, which states that planning your vacation can the general director, the term rest position should be included in the overall schedule of holidays. About the beginning of the holiday the head of human resources necessary to make a notification addressed to the Director. The sole executive body of the company decides, whether to leave on vacation in due time or reschedule for another time.

And in the first and in the second case it is necessary to make the order to leave. The document prescribes the number of his days, the date of the beginning and end of annual leave. In the stewardship of the need to write personal data, the position of the worker, who should be appointed acting director. Typically a staff in a supervisory position.

Authorized to sign the order form T-6 has a director, if he is planning a vacation, chairman of the board of founders, if the question is about vacation Director General presented to the agenda of the constituent assembly. In the review has to put his signature to the head of the company and the employee, who was appointed Executive Officer.

Tags: decision, vacation, director, type, order, protocol, destination, duty, edition, the imposition of