How to get a psychology degree

How to get a psychology degree
 Profession psychologist in demand in almost all areas. On the psychological education can work in educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, staffing services business, science, advertising, politics, medicine.
 You can get a psychology degree, graduating from college or technical school on the basis of nine or eleven classes. However, in most cases, to the success of a psychologist will not be enough, so the best way would be a psychologist qualification training in higher education.

At least a quarter of the country's universities are preparing specialists in the field of "psychology." In this case, it is possible to select the psychological sphere (children, correctional, application, etc.). To choose the educational institution will help personal preferences for location, value, form of training, ratings. Keep in mind that psychological personnel currently in Russia there is an excess, so it is best to choose a well-known university, where training takes place in full-time and the maximum number of practical hours.

If you want to become a psychologist, but already have a degree in another specialty, it is possible to obtain psychological education on an abbreviated program. In the presence of an adjacent education (pedagogy, sociology) may be sufficient passage of short courses.

Psychological education can continue enrolling in graduate school to obtain a master's degree, and more - and doctoral studies.
Do not forget about self-education. Now produced a huge number of books on psychology, held a variety of research and experiments, additional references can be found not only on the shelves of bookstores, but also free internet access.

To become a good specialist in the field of psychology of education is not enough. You must constantly evolve, attending various courses and training programs, participate in conferences, attend seminars, conduct psychological practice.

Tags: psychology, education