How to come to work in 30 minutes

How to come to work in 30 minutes
 The working week for most working women held in a rather hectic. If we consider that 9 hours per day they spend at work, a couple of hours, at best, on the way home and back 4-5 hours to cook dinner and domestic responsibilities, in order to read a book, watch TV and sleep , there is very little time. Therefore, in the morning I want to extend the time of sleep, and the ability to come to work for 30 minutes in handy every woman.

Even if the evening you had enough time, try to think about your outfit and prepare tomorrow's underwear and clothes that you put on the next morning. Stroke robe and carefully check it for signs of integrity and lack of spots to the morning you did not expect unpleasant surprises.

Before going to bed do not forget to open the window that night lungs filled with fresh air, and you can sleep deep, healthy sleep. Do not forget to remove makeup and apply a nourishing night cream that night rested and your skin. This will help you in the morning less spend time pointing beauty.

Hearing the alarm clock, get up immediately, there is no need to lie, trying to carve out even though a moment to sleep. All the same, you will not fall asleep, and only lose time. And it's better in the evening to put it away from the bed to the morning before it was impossible to reach on and off.

Get up and brisk walk, go to the bathroom. His morning exercise program can be divided into two parts - the first to do, getting out of bed, and the second - during brushing. While clean them, you can do squats, bending, waving legs, if the bathroom is enough space. Take a shower, hot doing it is not necessary, the water temperature about 30 degrees you can freshen up and give cheerfulness.

For breakfast cook yourself fast and easy brewed with boiling water porridge, curds, yogurts. Excellent and quick breakfast - fruit and juice. While having breakfast, brew yourself a tea or coffee brewed place. Do not rush, the extra few minutes will give nothing but hinder enjoy these beautiful morning moments when you are ready to plunge into the maelstrom of daily cares.

Dress and do the hair and apply makeup. Modern fashion trends imply its naturalness, the more that you are going to work. This option involves a minimum of makeup cosmetics. Apply cream, lightly powder the face, the eyes move, nakraste eyelashes and lips. Well, take a deep breath - and you're on your way to work.

Tags: work, a complex exercise, breakfast