How to appoint an Acting

How to appoint an Acting
 In the case of temporary absence of the director of the company (leaving on vacation, temporary disability, business trip) in his place should appoint an acting first-person company. To do this you need to write a proposal for the replacement of the CEO, addressed to workers who should be appointed as acting sole executive body.
 Typically, the acting director is his deputy, if such a position is not provided in the staffing, the supervisor must write a sentence in the form of a notification addressed to the head of one of the structural units, for example, commercial director. The proposal CEO of the organization shall specify the period, which corresponds to the period of absence of the head. The document should write a list of tasks that need to be skilled to perform for the director of the company.

When an employee agrees to such substitution, it is necessary to write a statement of its mandate to the Director for a period of vacation, illness or travel head of the organization. If the employee does not wish to perform work functions of the first face of the company, he should make a statement in which to express their disagreement to the proposal on the performance of the duties of CEO.

By the employment contract employee accepting the duties of Director, you must make an additional agreement. The document should specify the period of absence of the head of the list of functions, as well as the size of the surcharges, which will be the reward for such substitution. The agreement must be signed by the first person, as well as staff appointed acting CEO. Keep in mind that the period of replacement director employee is not relieved of its direct labor functions.

Based on the application and agreement to the need to issue an order to the Director. In it he should write the conditions (time of replacement, the list of responsibilities, the size of payments) specified in the supplementary agreement on the substitution. Please be aware that the period of appointment of the Acting Head shall not exceed one month, which is enshrined in the labor laws. In order to write a personal employee data, position. Authorized to sign the document is the sole executive body, and in the review - a specialist who will replace the head of the company.

Make a warrant in the name assigned by the Acting Director of the employee. List it a list of documents which he would be entitled to sign for the head of the organization. The validity of the power of attorney must comply with the period of leave, illness or travel first-person company.

Tags: agreement, power of attorney, contract, law, order, signature, appointment, duties, rights, preparation, publication