8 myths about male and female employment

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 Woman and man ... They are so different. That's why people are used to separate men's and women's work. Yes, of course, the work can be divided into light and heavy, but there are lessons that engage young people and women. It turns out that the views prevailing around the work of men and women, are erroneous.
 The first myth. A woman can not do heavy physical work. For example, work on the sawmill.

This view is quite wrong, because girls are different. There are some individuals that with hard work cope better than any man. Remember the Soviet times. Women did almost all the hard work yourself. They built, worked in the fields, sawed wood, engaged in joinery. Mother did not think about who should work, their goal is to keep the family, as well as work was scarce, had to take what is offered.

The second myth. Cook food - not a man's job.

Here you can just say the opposite. Men - these are the best cooks, knowingly Michelin stars mainly accrue to the strong floor of the country. Notice now restaurant owners looking for the position of chef is male. Physicians also have their say in this statement: the female body harder to endure high temperatures, so stand in a hot stove is better for young people.

The third myth. A woman can not hold a high position of leadership because of his character.

Yes, no doubt, a girl character is softer than a man. But this does not apply to work. Its softness Lady reserves the threshold of the workplace. In addition, the fair sex can easily analyze large amounts of information, hence the intuition is better developed, and this is very important in business.

Myth Four. Educate and teach children - a woman's business.

Here you can amend: it is not only a woman's business, but also men. For example, in schools and other educational institutions are trained and boys and men without education is indispensable. Imagine a woman leading technology. It should tell students how make the stool. Agree with this task cope better teacher-man. And if you take the discipline of life safety, a man will tell students about military equipment is much better than a woman.

Myth Five. A woman can not perform repair work.

To understand that this is not true, you just have to look at any construction site. Painting girls perform, and they get it much better. Hammer a nail, drill a hole or replace the wiring - all this can do and the lady, but it all depends on her interests. After all, there are individuals who do not understand in cooking, but well versed in construction.

Myth Six. The man did not have to work in a beauty salon, the destiny of women.

And who said that? Some men are very carefully monitor their appearance. In addition, some women are happy to be written to a manicure or haircut to the young man.

Myth Seven. A woman can not work where you want maximum accuracy.

This myth is totally wrong. Some girls are very well versed in the exact sciences, so they are subject to any profession.

Myth eighth. Men prefer to work where actively used physical labor.

The statement is true, but only half. There are young people who can not tolerate the contrary the work should be undertaken where physical force.

From all the above we can conclude that there is no purely male and female work. Choice of profession depends only on the nature of man and his mind.

Tags: work, occupation, myth, superstition