The main rules of safe flirting with the chief

The main rules of safe flirting with the chief
 Flirtation at work helps to establish relationships with colleagues and can be a means of loneliness. Modern woman spends much time at work, so the problems are not uncommon on the personal front. Flirting with the head can lead to different consequences - it all depends on the behavior of women.

Does it ever safe flirting with the chief? Quite often. The main thing - do not take the usual expression of interest for the beginning of a long intimate relationship. Always possible to distinguish flirting with the aim of pursuing a relationship outside of business premises of an innocent flirtation, facilitates interaction.

Flirting with the boss, subordinate to pursue certain objectives - to win the respect and sympathy of an important person, which affects her career and the amount of wages. Adhering to the basic safety rules of flirting, you can achieve your goals.

Work on yourself - you have to exude confidence in their abilities, be self-reliant and independent. Safe flirting with the head is only possible if he will not feel encroachment on freedom. Therefore, broaden their horizons and look for interesting topics to talk about, be self-sufficient and delicate. Do not act aggressively, you will only complicate the situation. On the contrary, always keep your distance and remember that you - subordinate staff.

Flirt easy and carefree, not alluding to the continuation of the relationship, and be prepared to confront the courtship of his head. In this case, always be friendly, smiling and welcoming.

Resentment, jealousy and bad temper leave for their friends and acquaintances. Expression of their emotions should not flaunt, with the head, you should always be patient and pooled. Emphasize the quality of their professional ability to listen, seek the views of the head of the key issues. Do not impose their views as the only true, better ask for advice, and be open to discussion.

Finally. Appreciate provide you with confidence and do not carry the judgment of colleagues is your relationship with the boss. Wanting to show off his "privileged" position, you will only undermine the authority of the chief and lose confidence.

Tags: chief, main, flirting