How to win the Chief

How to win the Chief
 In order not to spend all his life in the pursuit of their own career interests should try to gain superior. The main thing correctly to approach this issue and your benefits one after another will be carried out.
 Boss needed a competent and hardworking employee. Every way to help your supervisor. Seeks new information in your industry and share their ideas. If required by the case, you can postpone and your vacation. You can still take advantage of them, though later, but left a view employee who puts business interests ahead of their own.

Do not be afraid to take responsibility and perform complex tasks. Make every effort to successfully complete the task. And if you got it, not hide it. Your boss needs to know that you did a great job, and maybe even spend their free time in the interests of the company.

In the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as if you get sick, call directly to the head, to put it in popularity. If you tell him about the hospital by e-mail or through the Human Resources Department, your boss may think that you are trying to deceive him and walk time.

Do not be afraid to talk to your boss. If you sincerely believe his decision to the next competent and visionary, be sure to tell him about it. So you draw his attention to yourself, and maybe in the future it will listen to your opinion.

Forever forget about cheap flattery and compliments. Leaders wary of subordinates who are trying to please and is constantly singing the praises of praise.

If you have replaced the boss, in a conversation with the new boss will never say anything bad about his predecessor, as he may think that you suck up, and after his departure will be subject to the same rumors about him.

Making the first steps on the career ladder or get a job at a new company, remember that you first work on his reputation, then the reputation works for you.

Tags: Head, SEB, head, authority, relationship