How to take a vacation day count

How to take a vacation day count
 Get one day off, you can count the next holiday (Article №125 LC RF) or at their own expense without the payment of content (Article №128 LC RF). For registration you must write an application and submit to the signature of the head of the enterprise, department or structural unit.  
 In accordance with Chapter №19 LC RF, you have the right to divide the entire regular paid leave and get it in installments throughout the year. Here, one part must be not less than 14 calendar days. The remaining 14 days can be obtained in the quantities in which they will be required. But if you plan to share a vacation, give written notice to the employer.

Application for one day of rest on account of annual leave post three working days. Indicate with a number on how many days you want to get the weekend. The employer is obliged to sign the declaration and release your order unified form T-6. Only then you can safely go on vacation.

If you have an emergency occurred and you need to get the day off, and notify the employer in advance is not received, in exceptional cases, in agreement with the management, you have the right to notify the employer on the eve of the day as you need.

If you fly the next holiday already used, and to the next far enough, write a statement on the same day that you have the right to obtain at his own expense.

As well as in the preparation of a single day on account of annual leave, when you make a leave without pay notify the employer within three working days before the fact. If you have any unexpected situations, you can apply on the eve of the day.

Leave without pay can provide all employees. Within one calendar year, the number of holidays, obtained at their own expense, may not exceed 30.

If there is an operational need, urgent order and the lack of replacement you may refuse the weekend on account of annual leave or at their own expense. In this case, you have no right to leave the workplace and go away on their own pitch. This will amount to a truancy, for which the employer has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally.

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