How to manage a team

How to manage a team
 Becoming the head of a department or an entire organization, young professionals are lost in their actions: the way they presented the post from the standpoint of the average manager or secretary, as a rule, does not coincide with reality. As a consequence, the problems start in the team, when subordinates do not take seriously their leader, are just friendly and neglect of official duties, hoping for a friendly forgiveness. How did manage a team to colleagues perceive you serious?
 The first and most important rule - be polite and considerate of all employees. Greet the morning, praise the coffee that you bring an assistant, and do not be afraid to apologize if some error occurred due to your fault. If someone is guilty of his subordinates, try not to cry, and explain to him how it was necessary to fulfill your order. It is better to do it alone. If someone from the employees of your company to be a baby or a wedding, try to personally congratulate, and if resources permit, write a small premium. In a difficult situation support a kind word, offer to help, including material.

Be collected. If you forget every morning at home portfolio, some papers, phone or keys from the office - be sure but giggles behind you from subordinates will achieve nothing. You better plan your day in advance, and to not to forget anything, keep a to-do list in the diary: what you need to take and who to meet.

Put feasible plans and objectives. It is understandable that you want to grow faster, to move forward, to conquer the top of the professional, to enter into the work of a lot of new and modern. Consider the age of your employees, their training and qualifications, the ability to quickly perform your job. Think cares who you can trust, and ask him to end it, not with the whole team. If something does not work, start looking for those responsible to yourself: perhaps you have entrusted to carry out the important task not to the employee.

Do not listen to any gossip about the staff and do not participate in the discussion of the vicissitudes of their personal lives. If you decided to clarify something about some employee, ask it from him directly. It will be better than rely on rumors, because they often are based on jealousy and deceit.

Learn to say. If conducting meetings or speaking in front of a team, you will be presented to stammer, stutter, time to think how to express their thoughts, authority subordinates you will not get anywhere. In advance, make a summary of the speech, select abstracts specify the basic idea. If you are shy during performances before an audience, practice in front of a mirror. Think about what questions you can ask and how you respond to them - it will not allow to get lost and take a back seat during a conversation with subordinates.

Do not build higher barriers between themselves and their subordinates. For example, during a joint holiday help others: type of water, chop vegetables for a salad or unload packages of food. And maybe you know a great recipe for barbecue and knows how to cook delicious? Your colleagues and enjoy it obviously will respect.

Tags: work, boss, staff, management, boss