How to get out of the conflict situation

How to get out of the conflict situation
 Work is an integral part of most people's lives and, as in interpersonal relations, it is simply impossible to do without conflicts. However, we must learn to neutralize any controversial situation in and out of the conflict with minimal losses for themselves.
 Most often, the conflict is expressed in the speech of aggression, since all emotions and feelings is none other than the muscle clamp, primarily in the area of ​​the larynx. Its consequence is a cry, a lot of stress, inappropriate behavior, involvement in a conflict situation more and more people. Sometimes even unimportant conflict could escalate into a protracted war, which will poison the daily life of all its participants. Learn how to get out of any conflict by using simple voice techniques, which are selected depending on the situation, as well as the person with whom there is a conflict - with colleagues at work or with direct management.

First of all, you must select a time when the conflict is brewing, and try to rationally assess the situation. In any case, do not connect the emotions as much as possible get out of the line of attack. If the situation allows, it is best for some time to leave the room, even if you are in the office of the chief. It is perfectly acceptable to say, "continued the conversation when you calm down, I'm sorry" and get out of the office boss. Walk down the hall, wash with cold water, so you have time to switch from negative experiences on abstract physical actions and be able to organize their thoughts.

During the conflict with the authorities agree and ask more questions. This is one of the most effective ways of getting out of the conflict pattern, especially when charges your address is not groundless. Agree with everything that you said the head, and then ask for help: "Tell me how to fix the situation," "I am very worried that this happened, give advice," and the like. Clarifying the open issues requiring a detailed answer, be sure to save the situation.

If one of your co-workers deliberately provokes a conflict situation and throws in your address unfounded accusations, pretending not to hear him and ask again it with an indifferent air. Typically, in such a situation, a person starts to be lost. "Finish" with the words: "You see, you can not even clearly substantiate their claims. When podyschu right words, then we'll talk in more detail on this subject. "

Most conflicts at work can be resolved peacefully, by means of a private conversation over a cup of tea. Try to talk to a colleague, who, in your opinion, has for you dislike honest. Such a solution to the conflict is the most constructive and civilized.

Tags: colleague, the situation