How to conduct an oral presentation

How to conduct an oral presentation
 The word "presentation" is often associated with computers and software PowerPoint. But not always for the public anything used aids. Can be carried out and an oral presentation.
 Make a plan for future presentation and turn it all the main stages. With simple division presentation consists of an introduction, main body and conclusion. At each stage should leave no more than 5-7 minutes. This time limit is not mandatory, but we must remember that in case of exceeding the listeners can get bored, distracted and did not begin to understand your arguments.

Make a presentation best in the morning, when the public will be full of energy and attention. In an oral presentation plays an important role voice acting, as soon as it will allow students to grasp the essence of the story. That is why to make a speech with the best scene or a small pedestal. So you will be able to hear well even from the back row.

Train your voice. To do this the day before the presentation, you can hold a rehearsal before a mirror or a narrow circle of acquaintances. You must make the most firmly and confidently express their thoughts, because due to the slightest uncertainty or lack of attention to detail you listeners can not understand.

Since you will be devoid of any visual aids, it is necessary to try to express the meaning of the whole presentation within the first few minutes. Start it with the announcement of short abstracts that listeners could grasp the basic essence of your thoughts. Do not rush to move on to the main part. Come up to the public and leading questions to ask them. For example, ask what they know about a subject, the subject of a presentation, or whether they agree with what you want to sanctify / prove.

In the main part again as concisely convey to listeners all the basic information. Be consistent and do not rush. Take small pauses between sentences so that people can better understand the information. In conclusion, the overall conclusion. After the presentation, ask the audience, not having them any questions. Make sure that the purpose of the presentation is reached.

Tags: presentation, conduct, creation