Harassment - what is it?

Harassment - what is it?
 Harassment - a term which denotes sexual harassment in US law, a form of sexual discrimination in the office. Sexual harassment (if only you did not agree to these actions) are considered requests for sexual favors, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, sexual harassment - both in explicit and implicit.

To be the object of harassment, not necessarily feel personally on itself a direct effect, it is enough to be there or transfer stress from what you know of this fact.

Main types of sexual harassment:

Insults. If your address or the address of another person or group of persons of the same sex are made directly or indirectly insulting remarks, discriminatory interlocutor on sex in any form - this is harassment.

It may be offensive remarks, graffiti, obscene jokes about sex in the presence of the opposite sex or the same sex, even without their consent. For example, "all women are the same", "they all have only one thing on his mind," pictures of genitals in public places and so on.

Invitations to perform sexual acts - abusive and coercive. This can be repeated invitation to sex, you do not want. Proposals have breakfast together for lunch, dinner or a drink, which is not limited to the above actions and are undesirable for you character. Calls, messages, sms and other forms of invitation to a contact who does not have a business nature.

Promises. If the proposals are accompanied by the promise of a sexual nature of any form of material incentives. For example, if your boss sexual service is supported by his promise to issue bonus or promotion.

Forced sex. This type of harassment is directly related to violence or aggression - if if you refuse you threaten punishment for work in any form. For example, your boss invites you to spend the weekend with him, and in the event of a failure transparently hints at the demotion, salary or deteriorating working conditions.

Touch. Includes any form is not desired you accidentally touching, stroking, grasping. For example - snuggling up in the elevator.

Other types. These include: the invasion of private workspace, long-seed, comments on the topic of clothes and appearance, compliments erotic content and much more.

In Russia, all of these actions are considered almost normal, though virtually every business or office, there are internal conflicts or examples of this kind. In our legislation the law on harassment or other forms of it is not. Also, you will not be able to receive compensation under the law, or at least punish her boss or colleague sassy for their actions.

Tags: harassment, harassment, molestation