10 ways to solve the problems with subordinates

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 Many bosses have decided to hold the next meeting, setting yourself up for the fact that problems with subordinates easily solved by shouting and threats. However, not always effective, such an approach in terms of assimilation subordinates information that leader wants to convey to them.

There are 10 ways to help solve the problems head with subordinates.

1. Do not hold your subordinates a long time if it does not require a solution to the problem. Industrial, economic and human resources, as a rule, can be solved in 2-3 hours. After this period, employees get tired, and the information ceases to be absorbed, so no need to turn the next scheduled meeting in a lecture lasting indefinitely.

2. Discuss current affairs with subordinates at the meeting. Remember, the meeting - it's the same collection of subordinates, but with one condition - they have the right to express their opinions about the matter under discussion. No need to interrupt them, the more stop.

3. Use during assembly modern technology. You can hold a meeting in the form of a presentation using a projector or in the form of online interviews using skype. Thus, the slave will not be bored, and they are sure to focus on the issues.

4. Call to his office for a personal meeting only those subordinates who are really guilty. Keep the conversation in a simple, but not a "killer" style.

5. Perform "planning meetings" with the results achieved and the planned objectives.

6. Do not forget to carry out "flying detachment" to address short-term urgent tasks.

7. Carry out "five-minute", aimed at coordinating the actions of subordinates.

8. Perform "brainstorming." At such meetings subordinates express their suggestions for improvement of the company and for the resolution of production problems.

9. Organize at certain times of mini-break. Go on smoke breaks together with subordinates. As a rule, in the smoking discussed many pressing problems.

10. Notes the corporate and recognized holidays with subordinates. This rally the team. Subordinates will trust in the leader.

These ten simple rules will help effectively manage subordinates and coordinate their work.

Tags: decision, the chief problem, the method