How to behave: simple rules that bring success

How to behave: simple rules that bring success
 Often people make the mistake of hoping that success in life can only be achieved at the expense of their talents, intelligence, position. A very important factor in determining your achievements is the ability to behave with others no matter where it was - at work, at home, in the community. Knowing simple rules of communication, you can always be the person who does not cause resentment and deserved respect, with no special effort to do so you do not need.

How to behave in the family

Family - community of close friends, linked by ties of kinship and, by definition, loving each other. But this does not mean that within its walls you can behave rude and intolerant towards relatives. To receive their love and support, without which it is difficult to succeed in life, you must recognize that everyone, even minor family members, the right to own private life and opinion. Behave politely, respectfully and kindly, do not refuse help and advice.

You can not hide in the family circle of anxiety and grief, to give vent to emotions, but do not allow yourself to humiliate and insult the family, even more so - to raise the hand against them.

How to behave in society

Adhere to the general rules of etiquette to avoid being branded a boor and an ignoramus. Pay attention to the culture of his speech. Learn how to hold a conversation at any level and not just listen to the interlocutor, but to hear them.

Do not get stuck in unnecessary disputes and try not to provoke them. Always be open and friendly, do not demonstrate their bad mood or irritation to others. Give proper respect to people who are older than you in age or position. Try to stay with all smoothly, while respecting their dignity.

How to behave at work

Remember that the work you are to perform their duties, and not just sit pants, and especially not to interfere with the rest of the work, distracting them empty talk. Respectful to co-workers, regardless of what position they occupy relative to the ladder.

Respect and myself, in any case or display of servility to the authorities, not naushnichayte not klyauznichayte and whipping intrigue.

Be attentive to colleagues, interesting events in their lives, congratulations on birthdays. It will not cost you a big deal, but to avoid unfriendly attitude.

Tags: work, success, colleague, attitude, society, etiquette, simple message, usually