Business Etiquette: handshake

Business Etiquette: handshake
 Handshake - is a traditional and one of the most familiar gesture symbolizing greeting. The handshake is a sign of openness, peace and respect, showing that the hand is empty and there is no weapon. Today, a handshake is not an essential element of greeting, but it is used often enough.

It's safe to say that the hands began to abuse. For example, colleagues, occurring every day at work, it is not necessary to shake hands with each other in the morning, healthy, and in the evening farewell. Extending his hand for a handshake, it is important to remember not to stretch it to his friend lazy, relaxed, as if passing it to hold cherry jelly. Also, do not be a gigantic effort to squeeze his hand partner, waving it in different directions several times. It is necessary to give a hand free and confident gesture, leading to a clear and short hands.

A handshake woman can not take off his glove, if it is not greeted with a woman who is much older. According to the rules of etiquette men greeting each other, should be wearing gloves. If one of them takes off his glove, then the other must also withdraw his. If a woman put on gloves, man, welcoming her, its may also be worn. But if a man put on thick warm fur mittens, they have to be removed.

But kissing a woman's hand was not at all popular. Now it is mainly a feature of Polish traditions.

At a meeting on the street is worth remembering that stretching her hand for a handshake costs in the event that both of your hands in gloves or both without them. Should not extend a hand in a glove women, who do not have gloves. But in a similar case with a man, as well as those who are younger than you, this rule can be ignored. Woman welcoming younger women, too, can not comply with this rule.

Entering the room, first of all you need to remove your gloves, and then to greet those present, but not in the case where the gloves are part of the toilet.

Remember that the presentation should not shake hands first. Any representing you or someone you is present. It is not necessary to approach each of the assembled people and shake hands. In this case, it is best to be limited to a slight bow. With this gesture, you will do all the attention.

How to greet friends at the meeting?

Should always be the first to greet the man with the woman, and the youngest to the oldest. A woman should first greet her an older age. If a woman who is older than you in age, while greeting takes you by the hand, and while you're sitting, you are entitled to immediately get up.

If you meet a man and a woman, the decision on a handshake should take a woman. It was she who first takes the hand, but in accordance with the rules of etiquette in several European countries the first to shake hands with a man might. When meeting people of different ages handshake initiated by a man older. During the presentation of the first should shake hands with the one who represents. Remember that in any case should be answered hands, if you hold out their hands. In no case can not be left hanging in the air outstretched hand. This can serve as an insult.

For a handshake should be served right hand. If it is damaged or is busy, can be submitted and the left hand, but in this case before this it is necessary to apologize.

If you shook hands with one person, going to a group of people, you will need to shake hands and the rest.

To avoid crossing arms at the meeting of the two pairs, there is a certain order of handshakes.
If women are the right of men, as it is accepted traditionally, in the beginning they served each other's hands, and then men, and only then men shake hands. If one of the women to the left of the man, it turns out that the man standing in front of the man and the woman in front of a woman, which makes it possible to shake hands at the same time, without disturbing anyone.

Tags: friend, etiquette, ethics, handshake