Tutoring: where to start?

Tutoring: where to start?
 Tutoring - a great opportunity to not only share your knowledge with others, but also to plan the load, working hours, number of sessions and the cost of their services. To start work as a tutor is not too difficult.
 Tutor - one of those careers, in the development of which the main role is played by the professionalism and recommendations. If someone unflattering comments about private dentist or the hairdresser, the number of visitors had dropped sharply, and vice versa, quality work and good advice will help him thrive. Same thing here. If you do not know in families where there are students, or simply potential students that you could offer your services, the first students will have to look through ads.

Before you start to look for students to clarify for themselves a few highlights.

1) Will you do at home or on the road. In addition, and of the other options have their pros and cons. If you are on the road and you do not have a car, you have to spend time and money on the way to the student, in addition, have to engage in in the opponent's territory, taking someone else's orders. But for beginners tutors is sometimes the only way - not all are willing to pay a teacher with no experience, which also need to ride. Catching home, you are depriving yourself of the need to wander around the city, but will be forced to maintain perfect order and working environment: no children, no pets, no smell of freshly brewed borscht should not detract from the lessons.

2) At what age group of students you expect? Specificity of work with students and with adults are very different. The child usually depends on the parents, tutor perceives as an adult, to listen as the teacher. Adult learners hires a tutor himself, with a purpose, it has its own interests and concerns, so work with it can be quite difficult.

3) What kind of things you want to teach? List of items is not limited to the school curriculum. Teachers often need foreign languages, singing, sports coaches, governesses, assistants homework. To tutor students can apply to help dismantle the control or write a term paper.

4) What is the price for a lesson you want to assign, and what is the duration of one session? The beauty of the work tutor that you set your own price for their work. In order not to sell too cheap, but do not require exorbitant fee, please read the ad tutors on the same subject, and do not forget that you have to make allowances as a novice coach. If you are certainly not high-class specialist in his field.

In addition to personal ads, you can create an account on one of the tutoring sites that will help you look for students. The scheme is quite simple: you are a pupil, for that you pay us some money and continue to engage with the student to their advantage. The largest of these sites - site "Your tutor."

As to the legal part, no special permit or license to engage in tutoring are not needed, as well as pedagogical and specialized education, even though it is encouraged. However, under the law, you will be required to pay tax on income, so ideally will need to register the IP. Most coaches do not report their income and pay no tax, but if it turns out that the law may have problems.

Tags: work, the student, tutor, tutoring