How to write a detective: 20 golden rules

How to write a detective: 20 golden rules
 To write a good detective must not only overcome his laziness, but also to develop a schedule to get rid of everyday affairs. Create a work that is happy to publish any book publishing is not easy, but it is possible if you follow certain rules.
 1. Starting to write, think out loud alias. If your real name is not combined with the detective genre, create a fictitious name. This is especially true when the story in the first person.

2. Be sure to write the plan. List the main actors, define their relationship, Draw a clear storyline. This will greatly facilitate the writing of a detective, so you can finish all the chapters before the end, nothing is forgotten.

3. Do not make a lot of names, so as not to confuse the reader. Suffice it to 3-5 main characters, as many secondary and episodic 10-12. Immediately decide which of them is a negative character, as we proceed to periodically take or strengthen the suspicions against them.

4. Carefully choose heroes names. Heroes detectives have a clear division into positive, negative, neutral, and comical. On the basis of their qualities give them a name that should either emphasize their dignity, or to keep the intrigue until the end of the work.

5. Do not change any parts already completed until describe isolation. At the end of the process of writing a detective begins audit in which it appears that the product is too short, and the beginning have to rewrite, or introduce additional storyline, etc.

6. Include the text dialogues heroes, they are perceived by the reader lighter than a solid presentation. Try to keep the volume was not less than 50-70%. In this case, the characters do not always have to lead the conversation about who killed whom and who is to blame, you can select other topics of conversation.

7. Do not neglect the details. The value can be any little thing, even the curtains on the window, rust on the door, smells and more. Casually describes all the evidence in the course of the plot.

8. Type in the story of love and sex. It is interesting to many, just like the inserts should not be much, yet it is not a love story, and audiences in these genres rarely coincide.

9. Do not make children victims of criminals. People are sensitive about such subjects. In addition, most of the readers are themselves parents and they read such a work would be extremely unpleasant.

10. Write every day, otherwise uvyaznite in forever. Determine the minimum that is necessary to work out, even if the neighbors made a flood in the apartment.

11. Send the full text of the work. Chances are that someone is interested in publishing part detective small.

12. Learn the rules for admission of manuscripts, follow the required format. There are publishers that accept text only on paper or in electronic form.

13. Send out his work simultaneously in multiple publishers. This will increase the chances that it is your detective will be released in the near future.

14. Write a brief cover letter is often the cause is editor in chief of the detective read your first sent for review.

15. After receiving a negative answer, do not be upset. If the publisher believes the product unfit, the review is not written at all. Therefore, a negative response - also the result.

16. It is not necessary to demand from the editors of the report, in addition, it is not necessary to express outrage. Reviewers carefully read everything that comes to the publisher. And if they did not answer, so the detective will not be accepted by them, that is, the answer is no.

17. You can place a detective on the Internet, where he was editor can read from beginner book publishing and contribute to the imminent release of a limited edition.

18. Can refer to a literary agent who, while you're writing his work, will find a way to release it. There are pluses and minuses. The good news is that sitting at home, you are not puzzled by the future of the detective. Bad side would be the need to share their fee.

19. When you have finished the first book immediately - while you have not forgotten the reader and the publisher - start writing the second.

20. Work constantly, so the chances of publication of at least one of your work will increase, and the success of even a single book can pay back all the time spent at work.

Tags: author, book, advice, detective, writing