How to survive in office war

How to survive in office war
 The tense economic situation that has developed to date, as well as the risk of being fired before forcing respectable colleagues gossip and intrigue, in order to remain at his post. But office quarrel spawned not only a crisis, but such feelings as resentment, jealousy and power struggles.

If a worker earns a little more than others or is a professional in his field, beside him immediately begin to unfold intrigue. How can a person survive in office war? Stay away from mischief or to adapt to their behavior?

According to psychologists, there are several types of people who are prone to intrigue. To survive in office war such people should be avoided or build them right strategy behavior.

"Know-all" - this man can lead endless arguments about what is happening in the office and at the same time pretend that it is exclusive information, although it is not known where he got it. The only wrong step in dealing with such a person can become information about their work or about yourself, because you do not know how it will distort the information to use it for their own purposes.

"Lobbyist" - this person is pretty good and certainly an expert by any means trying to defend his project because he believes that it was his idea will bring incredible benefits of the company. With such a man can deal only if you agree with his opinion. Otherwise, their disagreement with his projects and ideas you can provoke trouble.

The most dangerous office worker is a person who is constantly weaves intrigues. He is not an expert in their field, but his charm could easily find a way how to colleagues and to the authorities. Thanks to the charming and he is moving up the career ladder. Some psychologists believe that such characters can be attributed office such person as "blackmailer". Such a person observes all employees weaknesses or punctures in the work, and if you interfere with his plans, he will be able to put pressure on you and threaten to tell his superiors about the error.

Tags: man type, strategy, war, behavior