Ask yourself what you actually want to do. Perhaps you have a favorite hobby that can generate income. Or are you dreaming about something as a child, but as an adult, threw this idea out of my head. Did not have the courage. But it may be worth the risk now and try it? So you will be able to create for themselves the perfect job. If you love children, you always liked to tinker with them, the best solution - to open a private kindergarten. Demand for these services is always quite high, and only a few children will be able to provide you with some income from your favorite things. Those who love to cook, would think about opening a small cafe. To check whether you will accept this lesson, try to begin to prepare a feast for several parties at friends.
Find out what courses there are in your city, and sign up for a few test sessions. If you have something you do not like, you can always go to the other courses. Remember: You do not have to choose a job once and for all. After all, only having tried different professions, you can choose the one that would be most appropriate for you to close.
If you can not decide yourself, contact a psychologist. People often poorly understood himself, confusing dreams with reality. Specialist will help to understand their needs, understand what gives you pleasure in what area you will be able to realize themselves best.
Each time employment center has Consultant career counseling. Using special personality tests, it helps to know your professional inclinations, as well as tell you how to make better use of the strengths of character. Good focusing on the labor market, the consultant will be able to tell you about the new profession, which you have not heard. Perhaps one of them will be your calling.