Ultrasonic hair extension

Ultrasonic hair extension
 Popularity ultrasonic hair extensions grows. Due to the fact that technology has come to us from Hollywood, it is also called Hollywood buildup. Ultrasound provides a strong connection strands, leaving hair structure of the former, which gives the right to be called one of the best technology available today.

The principle is similar to the build-up ultrasound hot Italian capacity. However, instead of the usual heating forceps used ultrasound machine. Heat generation occurs due to acoustic vibrations are converted into mechanical energy. Under ultrasonic action, keratin melts and adheres well to the hair.

Unlike other hot technologies, ultrasound provides a more durable connection without damage to the hair structure. The process of building does not take much time.

Hair extensions ultrasound is using forceps - applicator. The thickness of the capsule, as well as the condition of hair determines the interval of the ultrasonic wave, which will pass through the forceps, affecting your and the donor hair. When soften keratin, special tongs flat capsule form at parting. Formation of the bulk is done by hand. As a result, it turns round capsule that allows you to use a comb with fine teeth.

Ultrasonic capacity allows us to produce a strong capsule that serves as a guarantee of the quality of extended strands. This is the main advantage of ultrasound. However, the technology has a drawback.

A significant drawback is the complex correction. Strands are equipped with keratin capsules, which are destroyed after correction. A new soldering keratin capsules, which performs expert hand, can not give a good result. Thus, hair extensions using ultrasonic equipment, for those who are not going to wear long hair.

Tags: hair, technology, capacity, ultrasound