How to style your chemistry

How to style your chemistry
 Unfortunately, not everyone knows that without special care to make a beautiful styling hair after chemotherapy will not work. Composition means for a wave negatively affect the overall condition of the hair, they often become dry and brittle, and if you do not follow the procedures for hair care after chemotherapy, then lay them in a beautiful hairstyle every time will be more difficult.
 After exposure to the chemical composition of hair needs nourishment and additional sources of moisture. Therefore, the main rule care chemistry is to use special shampoos and conditioners recovery. Laying chemistry usually subject to the following general rules:

Wash your hair under warm, but in any case not hot water using a special shampoo. On damp hair, apply Balm, starting from the roots. Circular movements of the fingers do the scalp massage, spread balm over the entire length of hair. Wash off the reducing agent stream of warm water.

With a towel blot wet hair, rubbing and stretching them.

Fingers as a comb, divide the tangled strands carefully mark the usual parting.

Using a comb with wide teeth finally razladte hair. Motion at the same time should not be harsh. Start combing from the ends of the strands should be gradually rising up to the roots.

Whisking movements of the fingers, starting from the roots, lift the hair. Shake them, creating conditions for their speedy drying. Soon curls, formed as a result of exposure to the chemical composition, emerges by itself.

Allow hair to dry naturally or air dry them under a light stream of tepid air. If desired, give the hair fixing, apply hair gel or mousse to the hair. However, you can not do that, because chemistry is perfectly retains its shape and in the heat, and on a rainy day. But in windy conditions better to use the lock.

Can be laid in chemistry and on dry hair using curlers or wooden bobbins. But it will be a very lush hair. To avoid "the effect of dandelion", better to use large wooden bobbins or curlers.

It is important to understand that after chemotherapy hair becomes lighter, and therefore the hair is too sometimes bulk. This is especially true for thin hair, so their owner is recommended to use the funds that are somewhat heavier hair.

Tags: hair, hairstyle, Ambassador, chemistry, wave