How to make soft curls

How to make soft curls
 One of the most important elements in a woman's beauty arsenal are well maintained, beautiful hair, neatly and elegantly arranged. Whatever fashion trends do not occur, encourages girls to do something boyish haircut, then paint the strands in a variety of colors, yet timeless hit a long long hair, laid in large soft curls.
 To make a beautiful soft curls, you need a hairdryer, hot rollers, means for stacking (best spray specifically for this purpose), as well as round brush.

I must say that the styling soft curls should be done at a slightly damp hair, so if you have just washed your head, you need to blow dry her, lifting a round brush hair at the roots - so hair will be more voluminous.

If curls are dry, take a little wet them, without touching the roots.

When the hair is a little wet, start waving in the hot rollers. Remember that on their diameter, and will depend on the size and type of hair styles. You can use smaller curlers, then the waves will be smaller, and can take more curlers, and then in the form of finished curls will be more natural.

Take a strand. If your hair is too heavy, a little nacheshite her bristle brush at the roots, then apply a means for laying on the entire length of the splashing spray. Next cheat on curlers. You should begin with the back of the moving-to-face.

You can wind the whole mass of hair or only a few strands (especially if you have very thick and long locks) depending on what kind of image you want to create. When all the hair will nakrucheny leave hair for twenty minutes. At this time, you can go about their business: to cook breakfast, paint nails. Then carefully remove the hot rollers, not combing the strands. After that squirt each curl hairspray, fixing the result.

Hairstyle is ready. You can leave a strand out how it happened, it looks very feminine and elegant. But if you do not want accented curls twisted in a spiral, you can gently comb it after sbryznuli varnish. Then the result will be more natural and soft.

Tags: hairstyle, curl