How to cut "bean"

How to cut "bean"
 Haircut "Bob" came into vogue even after the First World War and has since remained relevant. It is suitable for any hair type and length. But before you do it should take into account the shape of the face.
 So, if you rounded cheeks, from the "bean" on short hair should be abandoned. But such a haircut on the hair of medium length will look quite neat and even partly corrects broad face. Especially if you put this on the basis of hair clippers, curling locks in and making oblique bangs. A pointed soften facial features, on the contrary, "Bob" on short hair.

"Bob" is ideal for any hair structure. For fine hair suit technology classic "bean", if you are a little otfiliruete their tips. Bang best in this case to make a forward with sharp edges and gradually passes into the basic hair. To give an additional amount of trimming, the hair may be colored in any color, but do their tips 1-2 darker tone.

Take a comb and divide the hair into zones with a vertical, frontal-parietal and horizontal parting (from ear to ear). Strands of each zone lock clamps, twisting into bundles.

In the bottom of the back of the head hair should be trimmed by shading, and on the neck can make some ragged strands. In the upper part - the method of calibration, sending it in. To determine the length haircuts, separate the control lock to the neck area and in the future guided by it.

Thick hair of medium length is best not to cut during shearing force to the same grading and thus creating universal "Bob". However, if they are naughty, they can and should be shortened to color hair was, not mop.

Universal "Bob" - this hairstyle with different lengths of hair near the face and neck, the edges of which form a soft line. To check whether, in this case cut strands zacheshite them back - should get the arc. In this case, the control strand should be chosen in light of this arc, taking into account the fact that each successive must be longer by 3-5 mm across the occipital region.

The upper part of the hair can be made shorter (if thick) or leave almost intact, a little trim the ends and making a tapering. On the temporal area should cut out a square line, but without calibration.

Haircut "Bob" and looks equally well with a bang, and without it. Bangs can be precisely trimmed or oblique, but if the hair is too thick, it is better to thin out. To "Bob" look nice, you should make a small vertical tapering. Laid a haircut best hairdryer with a round hairbrush.

Tags: hairstyle, bob