Brittle hair: Causes and Treatment

Brittle hair: Causes and Treatment
 Thick, beautiful shiny hair is always considered a sign of not only beauty but also health. Therefore, it is hard not to pay attention to the poor condition of the hair and not to think about the reason for this. Especially for a woman who is pleased only when looks flawless.

First of all, may cause hair to become brittle physical factors of the environment (sun exposure, wind, cold, rain, and water). To reduce the brittleness of hair, in this case it is necessary to protect the hair from excessive loads and the ability to hide the hair under a headdress.

Improper care can also cause unhealthy hair. Therefore it is necessary to select only the most sparing care options: combing hair wooden comb with large teeth, use a hair dryer air at room temperature, if possible rejection of blow-drying, hair coloring paints without the hydrogen peroxide. As well as the use of soft gum to create hairstyles instead of iron tight hairpins.

If the hair styling use the same hairstyle, that is, the probability of brittle hair in their places of inflection. To reduce the likelihood of its occurrence must often change hairstyles and hair completely dissolve the house.

Sometimes the cause of fragility becomes a means for hair styling: they contain substances that cause water loss hair. And about the chemical wave of hair in their increased fragility is better not to dream.

Hair like any body respond to overall health. To return them elasticity, shine and beauty to avoid bad habits, balanced nutrition, eating more fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits, nuts, take plenty of water, lead an active lifestyle. You can also use dietary supplements for the beauty of hair and nails, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

There are special medicated shampoos and conditioners to strengthen hair. They contain herbal ingredients and moisturizing agents, vitamins, proteins, brewer's yeast. When brittle hair are effective packs, masks and rubbing the hair roots of vegetable oils (burdock, olive, almond), yogurt, rinse the infusion of herbs (chamomile, mint, lime, birch buds).

Tags: hair shampoo, treatment, cause, strengthening